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9/16/24 CT advocates warn that private sale of Avangrid could mean less accountability 

7/7/24 Relocated UI monopoles ensnare Fairfield properties in utility battle

6/18/24 United Illuminating updating lines in New Haven County

6/12/24 Gov. Lamont HB 5507 Into Law After Fairfield/UI Monopole Fight   

5/9/24 Opinion: Fairfield Applauds CT Siting Council Changes In UI Fight 

5/1/24 Fairfield Ramps Up Opposition Against UI's Monopole Proposal

4/4/24 Bridgeport sues Siting Council over UI plan for power lines by tracks 

4/2/24 Fairfield churches, library association appeal UI monopole plan 

3/29/24 Group files appeal against the Connecticut Siting Council's decision on UI's monopole project

3/29/24 Grassroots Fairfield Groups Appeal Siting Council's UI Decision 

3/26/24 Fairfield landowners along monopole line will lose more acreage to UI 

3/26/24 Fairfield sues over UI monopole project  

3/26/24 Fairfield Files Appeal Against CT Siting Council's UI Monopole Plan 

2/21/24 CT council approves UI monopole plan in Fairfield and Bridgeport 

2/16/24  Fairfield First Selectman voices opposition to United Illuminating project

2/15/24 UI's Monopole Project In Fairfield Inches Ahead With Siting Council OK

2/15/24 Council votes on a plan for monopoles, moving project to north side of the train tracks

2/15/24 Siting Council Approves Transmission Lines to Run North of the Metro-North Line 

2/12/24 Grassroots Group Challenges Recent Findings In Proposed UI Project 

2/7/24 Rep. Jennifer Leeper, Sen. Tony Hwang, First Selectman Bill Gerber Back CT Siting Council’s Vote Against UI Railroad Transmission Line Upgrade Project as Proposed 

2/3/24 Siting Council Rejects UI Rail Line Project in Nonbinding Vote 

1/29/24 CT sues United Illuminating over delayed cleanup of power plant

1/29/24 Fairfield, Bridgeport residents at odds with United Illuminating over monopole plans

1/26/24 Can UI & Fairfield Come To Agreement Over Proposed Monopole Project?

1/23/24 As Rate Case Approached, Avangrid’s CEO Tried to Improperly Influence CT’s Utility Regulator, Documents Allege

1/22/24 State Sen. Tony Hwang (opinion): Gov. Lamont needs to fill the PURA roster 

1/19/24 Image showing effects of UI project on Fairfield home sparks pushback 

1/18/24 Fairfield Fights Transmission Lines, Splits Over Messaging 

1/2/24 Opinion: Seeing through UI’s smoke screens

12/13/23 Hearing Limits Raise Objections in Contentious UI Case 

12/12/23 Gerber Takes Helm in Fairfield, Vows to Tackle Fill Pile Scandal and Oppose UI Project

12/2/23 UI Officials Detail Two-Years of Town Engagement, But Little Understanding Say Affected Residents 

11/27/23 UI News: Bpt Files for Party Status in CT Siting Council Proceedings 

11/27/23 Bridgeport asks to have say in UI monopole project into Fairfield 

11/26/23 ‘A Detrimental Impact’: Why the Fairfield Community Is Opposing United Illuminating’s Power Line Replacement Plans 

11/22/23 Facing Public Opposition, State Officials Take Harder Look at UI Plans Through Fairfield County 

11/18/23 UI could restrict CT property owners from developing their land 

11/15/23 National Trust Joins Fairfield County Fight for Preservation Along Northeast Corridor 

11/15/23 Historic preservation trust joins fight against UI monopole plan in CT 

11/15/23 Fairfield, Southport & Bpt Invited to Submit a Nomination for the National Trust's Endangered Historical Places List 

11/15/23  Fairfield group opposing UI monopole plan gets support from national historic preservation group

11/13/23 Future Of Fairfield Business In Jeopardy Due To UI Project: Report 

11/6/23 Fairfield protestors urge UI to bury the lines instead: 'This is 400 years of heritage and home'

11/6/23 Fairfield County residents protest proposed United Illuminating construction 

11/6/23 Large Protest Held To Oppose United Illuminating Monopole Plan: Report 

11/5/23 Local Leaders Says They'll Fight UI Plan for Easements, Clearing 

11/5/23 Residents protest United Illuminating plans for monopoles installation in Fairfield 

10/30/23 Fairfield Coalition Mobilizes Local Support Against UI Power Corridor Plan 

10/30/23 Petition Launched, Protest Planned Against UI Towers In Fairfield 

10/17/23 Grassroots Opponents of UI Power Plan Praise Government Challenges

10/16/23 Empowering Fairfield Cheers Challenge to UI Power Corridor Plan

10/5/23 Fairfield Residents & Business Owners Pack Meeting to Oppose Utility Easements

9/21/23 SCNETI was featured on News 12 along with Preservation CT and State Rep Jennifer Leeper

Public Official Comments

First Selectman Bill Gerber, 1/9/24

State Representative Jennifer Leeper, 08/18/23

State Representative Sarah Keitt, 08/29/23

State Senator Tony Hwang, 09/06/23

U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal and U.S. Representative Jim Himes, 09/26/23

Connecticut General Assembly - Fairfield State Delegation Comments, 10/16/23

Town of Fairfield Application to Intervene 8/24/23

UI Project documents

Volume 1 - Application to Siting Council

Vol 2 - Application Maps and Drawings (March, 2023) 

Fairfield-Congress 400' Maps _1of2 

Project Website 

Visual Simulations 

Virtual Tour

Outreach Log

Post Hearing Legal Briefs and Findings of Fact

SCNETI Legal Brief

SCNETI Findings of Fact

Town of Fairfield Legal Brief and Findings of Fact

Southport Congregational Church Findings of Fact

Grouped LLC Intervenors Legal Brief

National Trust for Historic Preservation Legal Brief

Siting Council and Evidentiary documents

CT Siting Council Docket 516

7/25/23 Hearing Transcript 

8/29/23 Hearing Transcript 

10/17/23 Hearing Transcript 

11/16/23 Hearing Transcript

11/28/23 Hearing Transcript

12/12/23 Hearing Transcript (final hearing)

UI's Responses to CSC Interrogatories - Set 1    Set 2    Set 3

UI's Responses to SCNETI Interrogatories - Set 1   Set 2

UI's Responses to BJ's Wholesale Club, Inc. Interrogatories, 07/18/23 

UI's Responses to Fairfield Station Lofts Interrogatories, 10/03/23 

2022 Siting Council Analysis of lifecycle costs (LCA)


Code of Federal Regulations - Section 380 Related to National Environmental Policy Act

FERC Guidelines for the Protection of Natural, Historic, Scenic and Recreational Values in the Design and Location of Rights-ofWay and Transmission Facilities 

USFWS Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaC) tool - to determine if any federally-listed species, critical habitat, migratory birds or cultural resources may be impacted by a proposed project. iPac results for the UI project in Southport (not official)

NERC Transmission Vegetation Management Standard FAC-003-4